Zurich, Switzerland

Fri 12th Sept

We had to pick the most expensive city we've visited to get rip-roaring drunk. Maybe it was the weather, the lack of enthusiasm in sight-seeing or maybe just the altitude that made us delirious but we walked into a pub at 3:30pm and didn't stumble home until 8 hours later. Yes, we saw the lake, the river and browsed the shops in the Aldstadt but that's about it.

Or maybe we could blame it on Paul, Bevan's former colleague who moved to Zurich a few years ago. We were planning to meet him for a drink after he'd finished work but we're a little out of touch with work life reality so we assumed that meant 5pm. Hence the 3:30pm “let's go to the pub a little early” plan. Paul found us stumbling slurry drunk at 8pm and it only went downhill from there. So I have about 5 photos from Zurich. Seemed like a lovely town but I'm only qualified to recommend my favourite pubs.


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